Yaakov  (boba Hai) Guez

Yehouda Guez

Victor Guez

f a m i l y
Children with:
Allegrine Elmalik

Rachel Guez

Gaston Guez
Victor Guez
  • Born: 1850, Tunisie
  • Married to Allegrine Elmalik
  • Reference: sa petite fille Allegrine

    Allegrine (sa petite fille )
    I clearly remembers being told he was a linguist who had taught Hebrew at Oxford University. He had hoped to publish a multi-language dictionary, but unfortunately he died around 1915 before he had a chance to do it. His wife was named Allegrine Elmalik. We believe she was a Moslem from Morocco. They were divorced before he and their son Gaston left Tunisia. Source = Allegrine Guez Reid
    Victor Guez ne pouvait etre marié avec une musulmane car il etait tres religieux. Clemence Mamou raconte que lorsqu'il eut son 1er fils et qu'il voulu le ' vendre' comme le veut la coutume pour le 1er fils, sa femme lui avoua qu'elle avait deja eu un fils avant de l'épouser. Ce fut une telle honte pour Victor qu'il decida de partir. Il quitta sa femme et son fils pour l'angleterre et lorsque Gaston eut 13 ans il demanda à sa femme de le rejoindre afin de celebrer sa Bar Mitzva. Sa femme mourrut au cours du voyage et son fils seul le rejoignit.

    Réponse de Oxford university ( après demande de recherche dans les archives )
    Dear Mr Giami
    Thank you for your enquiry. I have checked in Joseph Foster's 'Alumni Oxonienses', a printed register of those who matriculated (ie were admitted to the University) between 1715 and 1886. I have also checked Foster's 'Oxford Men', which covers the period from 1880 to 1892, and I have searched the card register of those who matriculated between 1891 and 1932.
    I have been unable to find an entry for the name Victor Guez. It would appear, therefore, that he was not a member of the University, as all those who teach at the University must be matriculated.
    Yours sincerely
    Clare Button Archives Assistant

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